Machine learning tips
By kirk86, , 0 comments.

No Free Lunch Theorem

Any 2 algorithms are equivalent when their performance is averaged across all possible problems.

Bias-Variance tradeoff

Bias = \(\mathbb{E}[\hat{\beta} - \beta]\)

\(\beta\) = estimated parameter

Error of the model. Difference between the expected prediction accuracy and the true prediction.

Variance = \(\mathbf{E}[(\hat{\beta} - \mathbb{E}[\hat{\beta})^{2}]\)

\(\hat{\beta}\) = estimator

\(\mathbb{E}[\hat{\beta}]\) = expected value

Variability/sensitivity of model's predictions if we repeat the learning process many times with small perturbations in the training data.

Number of hidden layers - rule of thumb

\(N_{h} = \frac{N_{s}}{[a(N_{i} + N_{o})]}\)

\(N_{i}\) = number of input neurons

\(N_{o}\) = number of output neurons

\(N_{s}\) = number of samples in training data

\(a\) = arbitary scaling factor, usually 2-10

node label shape fillcolor
Sstart observed: data y ellipse green
Send ununobserved: model parameters θ ellipse red
from to label
Sstart Send statistical inference
Send Sstart probability