Summary of papers
By kirk86, , 0 comments.

1 Summary of papers

1.1 Papers

1.1.1 Completed Optimization   OP Nerual Networks   NN
  • Title: Volumetric and Multi-View CNNs for Object Classification on 3D Data
  • Notes:

    here here here

  • Title: Combining Markov Random Fields and Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Synthesis
  • Notes:


  • Title: Unsupervised Representation Learning with Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks
  • Notes:


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  • Title: Exploring the space of Adversarial Images
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  • Title: Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition
  • Notes:

    Main Idea: How to ease the trainig of deeper networks by reformulating the layers as learning functions with reference to the layer inputs, instead of learning unreferenced functions. This way the neworks are easier to optimize you don't have more parameters but actually less than some counterpart network architectures, for instance VGG. In addition there is no degradastion on accuracy, on the contrary, you can gain accuracy from the incrased depth.

    The building block of the residual learning can be discribed as follows: We have a function \(F(\vec{x})\leftarrow\vec{x}\rightarrow\mbox{weight layer}\rightarrow\mbox{relu}\rightarrow\mbox{weight layer}\rightarrow\oplus\leftarrow\vec{x}\;\;\mbox{this is the identity}\rightarrow\mbox{relu}\). Instead of hoping each few stacked layers directly fit a desired underlying mapping, they explicitly let these layers fit a residual mapping. Formally, denoting the desired underlying mapping as \(H(\vec{x})\), they let the stacked nonlinear layers fit another mapping of \(F(\vec{x}) := H(\vec{x}) - \vec{x}\). The original mapping is recast into \(F(\vec{x}) + \vec{x}\)

    Identity Mapping by Shortcuts: \(\vec{y} = F(\vec{x}, {\mathbf{W}_{i}}) + \vec{x}\) or perform a linear projection \(\mathbf{W}_{x}\) by the shorcut connections to match the dimensions \(\vec{y} = F(\vec{x}, {\mathbf{W}_{i}}) + \mathbf{W}_{x}\vec{x}\)

  • Title: Learning Deep Representations of Fine-Grained Visual Descriptors

    State-of-the-art methods for zero-shot visual recognition formulate learning as a joint embedding problem of images and side information.

  • Title: OverFeat: Integrated Recognition, Localization and Detection using Convolutional Networks
  • Summary:

    Main Idea: An integrated framework using convolutional networks for classification, localizaiton and detection. They use a multiscale and sliding window approach which can be efficiently implemented in a convolutional network. They introduce an approach to localization by learning to predict object boundaries. In this approach bounding boxes are accumulated rather than suppressed in order to increase detection confidence. They also show that different tasks can be learned simultaneously using a single shared network. The main point of the paper is to show that training a convolutional network to simultaneously classify, locate and detect objects in images can boost the of classification, detection and localization of all tasks.

    Pros: Using a single conv net for classification, detection and localization. They introduce a novel method for localization and detection by accumulating predicted bounding boxes. They suggest that if you combine many localization predictions then detection can be performed without trainig on background samples and that way one can avoid possible time-consuming and complicated bootstrapping trainig phases, which ultimately allows the network to focus solely on positive classes for higher accuracy. How do they achieve that? Since objects of interest sometimes vary significantly in size and position within the image, they combine three different ideas experessed below. Regarding the terms localization and detection in this paper the only difference is the evaluation criterion used and usually both involve predicting the bounding box for each object in the image.

    1. First idea, dating back to '90s, apply a convolutional network at multiple locations in the image, in a sliding window fashion, and over multiple scales. Many viewing windows may contain an identifiable portion of the object but not the entire object, which leads to descent classification but poor localization and detection.
    2. Second idea, train the system to not only produce a distribution over categories for each window, but to also produce a prediction of the localization and size of the bounding box containing the object relative to the window.
    3. Third idea, accumulate the evidence for each category at each location and size using their own dense sliding window method.

    The localization task is usually a convenient intermediate step between classification and detection which allows to evaluate the localization method independently of challenges specific to detection. Another important information is that classification and localization share the same dataset, while detection alos has additional data where objects can be smaller. Detection data also contains a set of images where certain objects are absent.

    The filters in the feature extraction layers (1-5) are convolved across the entire image in one pass rather than sliding a fixed-size feature extractor over the image and then aggregating the results from different locations.

    Many bounding boxes are fused into a single very high confidence box, while false positives disappear below the detection threshold due their lack of bounding box coherence and confidence. This suggests that their approach is naturally more robust to false positives coming from the pure-classification model than traditional non-maximum suppression, by rewarding bounding box coherence.

    Cons: Some of the training features in Krizhevsky's model were not explored due to time constraints. Also they do not train the regressor on bounding boxes with less than 50% overlap with the input field of view.


    1. Model design and trainig

      Network trained on 1.2 million images with 1000 classes in total (ImageNet). The network model uses the same fixed input size as proposed by Krizhevsky et al. during traininig but turns to multi-scale for classification. Each image is downsampled with smallest dimesion 256 pixels. Then, they extract 5 random crops and their horizontal flips of size 221x221 pixels. These are then fed into the network as mini-batches of size 128. The weights are randomly initialized with \((\mu, \sigma) = (0.1 \times 10^{-2})\) and updated by SGD (stochastic gradient descent) with momentum of 0.6 and \(\el_{2}\) weight decay of \(1 \times 10^{-5}\), which is successively decreased by a factor of 0.5 after (30, 50, 60, 70, 80) epochs. Dropout with a rate of 0.5 is used on the fully connected layers (6th and 7th) in the classifier. Network architecture is described in the table below.

Layer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Stage conv+max conv+max conv conv conv+max full full full
#channels 96 256 512 1024 1024 3072 4096 1000
Filter size 11x11 5x5 3x3 3x3 3x3 - - -
Conv. stride 4x4 1x1 1x1 1x1 1x1 - - -
Pooling size 2x2 2x2 - - 2x2 - - -
Pooling stride 2x2 2x2 - - 2x2 - - -
Zero-padding size - - 1x1x1x1 1x1x1x1 1x1x1x1 - - -
Spatial input size 231x231 24x24 12x12 12x12 12x12 6x6 1x1 1x1
Layer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Stage conv+max conv+max conv conv conv conv+max full full full
#channels 96 256 512 512 1024 1024 4096 4096 1000
Filter size 7x7 7x7 3x3 3x3 3x3 3x3 - - -
Conv. stride 2x2 1x1 1x1 1x1 1x1 1x1 - - -
Pooling size 3x3 2x2 - - - 2x2 - - -
Pooling stride 3x3 2x2 - - - 2x2 - - -
Zero-padding size - - 1x1x1x1 1x1x1x1 1x1x1x1 1x1x1x1 - - -
Spatial input size 221x221 36x36 15x15 15x15 15x15 15x15 5x5 1x1 1x1

Another way to represent the network archiecture is the following one.

\(\mbox{Input}\rightarrow \left[\left[\mbox{conv}\rightarrow\mbox{max}\right]\times 2\rightarrow\left[\mbox{conv}\right]\times 2\rightarrow\left[\mbox{conv}\rightarrow\mbox{max}\right]\rightarrow \left[\mbox{fc}\rightarrow\mbox{dropout}\right]\times 3\right]\rightarrow\mbox{Output}\).

During training they treat the above architecture as non-spatial which means that it outputs feature maps of size 1x1 as opposed to the inference step, which produces spatial outputs. Layers 1-5 are similar to Krizhevsky et al. using relu non-linearities and max-pooling, but with the following differences:

  1. no contrast normalization is used
  2. pooling regions are non-overlapping
  3. their model has larger 1st and 2nd layer feature maps thanks to smaller stride (2 instead of 4), due to the fact that larger strides will benefit speed but will hurt accuracy.

The 3 last layers are applied in a sliding window fashion at test time. These fully connected layers can also be seen as 1x1 convolutions in spatial setting. The authors have also released a feature extractor named "OverFeat" including two models. A fast one \(\ref{tab:fast-model}\) and an accurate one \(\ref{tab:accurate-model}\).

As we already mentioned the authors use a multi-scale approach for the classificaiton task where they explore the entire image space by running the network at each location and at multiple scales using a sliding window. This particular approach allows significantly more views for voting where the result is a spatial map of C-dimensional vectors at each scale. For the resolution augmentation they follow the following steps:

  1. They start with the unpooled layer 5 feature map for as single image, at a given scale.
  2. Each unpooled maps undergoes a 3x3 pooling operation (non-overlapping regions) repeated 3x3 times for (\(\Delta_{x}, Delta_{y}\)) pixel offsets of {0,1,2}
  3. This produces a set of pooled feature maps, replicated (3x3) times for different (\(Delta_{x}, Delta_{y}\)) combinations
  4. The classifier (layers 6,7,8) has s fixed input size of 5x5 and produces a C-dimensional output vector for each location within the pooled maps. It is applied in a sliding-window fashion to the pooled maps, yielding C-dimensional output maps (for a given \(\Delta_{x}, \Delta_{y}\) combination).
  5. The output maps for different (\(\Delta_{x}, \Delta_{y}\)) combinations are reshaped into as single 3D output map (two spatial dimensions x C classes)


Caption: 1D illustration (to scale) of output map computation for classificationUsing y-dimension from scale 2 as an example. 1.: 20 pixel unpooled layer 5 feature map. 2.: max pooling over non-overlapping 3 pixel groups, using offsets of \(\Delta\) = {0, 1, 2} pixels (red, green, blue respectively). 3.: The resulting 6 pixel pooled maps, for different \(\Delta\). 4.: 5 pixel classifier (layers 6,7) is applied in sliding window fashion to pooled maps, yielding 2 pixel by C maps for each \(\Delta\). 5.: reshaped into 6 pixel by C output maps.

The above operations can be viewed as shifting the classifier’s viewing window by 1 pixel through pooling layers without subsampling and using skip-kernels in the following layer. Or equivalently, as applying the final pooling layer and fully connected stack at every possible offset, and assembling the results by interleaving the outputs. The operation is repeated for the horizontal flipped version of each image and the final classification is produced by:

  1. taking the spatial max for each class, at each scale and flip
  2. averaging the resulting C-diensional vectors from different scales and flips
  3. taking the top-1 or top-5 elements (depending on the evaluation criterion) from the mean class vector

ConvNets and sliding window efficacy

put image here

Caption is Figure 5: The efficiency of ConvNets for detection. During training, a ConvNet produces only a single spatial output (top). But when applied at test time over a larger image, it produces a spatial output map, e.g. 2x2 (bottom). Since all layers are applied convolutionally, the extra computation required for the larger image is limited to the yellow regions. This diagram omits the feature dimension for simplicity.

For the localization task the authors replace the classifier layers by a regression network and train it to predict object bounding boxes at each spatial location and scale. Finally, they combine the regression predictions together, along with the classification results at each location.

For the generated predictions of object bounding boxes the authors simultaneously run the classifier and teh regressor network accross all locations and scales. Only the final regerssion layer needs to be recomputed after computing the classification network. The output of the final softmax layer for a class \(c\) at each location provides a score of confidence that an object of class \(c\) is present (though not necessarily fully contained) in the corresponding field of view. Thus they can assign a confidence to each bounding box. For the regression training the network has 2 fully-connected hidden layrers of size 4096 and 1024 channels.The final output layer has 4 units which specify the coordinates for the bounding box edges.

Image goes here

caption goes here Figure 6: Localization/Detection pipeline. The raw classifier/detector outputs a class and a con- fidence for each location (1st diagram). The resolution of these predictions can be increased using the method described in section 3.3 (2nd diagram). The regression then predicts the location scale of the object with respect to each window (3rd diagram). These bounding boxes are then merge and accumulated to a small number of objects (4th diagram)

Image goes here

Figure 7: Examples of bounding boxes produced by the regression network, before being com- bined into final predictions. The examples shown here are at a single scale. Predictions may be more optimal at other scales depending on the objects. Here, most of the bounding boxes which are initially organized as a grid, converge to a single location and scale. This indicates that the network is very confident in the location of the object, as opposed to being spread out randomly. The top left image shows that it can also correctly identify multiple location if several objects are present. The various aspect ratios of the predicted bounding boxes shows that the network is able to cope with various object poses.

They train the regression network using an \(\el_{2}\) loss between the predicted and true bounding box for each example having 1000 different versions, one for each class, they compare the prediction of the regressor net at each spatial location with the ground-truth bounding box, shifted into the frame of reference of the regressor’s translation offset within the convolution.

Finally they combine the predicitions via a greedy merge strategy applied to the regression bounding boxes using the following algorithm.

  1. Assign to \(C_{x}\) the set of classes in the top \(k\) for each scale \(s\in 1,\ldots,6\), found by taking the maximum detection class outputs accross spatial locations for that scale.
  2. Assign to \(B_{s}\) the set of bounding boxes predicted by the regressor network for each class in \(C_{s}\), across all spatial locations at scale \(s\).

Image should go here

Caption on image

Application of the regression network to layer 5 features, at scale 2, for example.

  1. The input to the regressor at this scale are 6x7 pixels spatially by 256 channels for each of the

(3x3) \(\Delta_{x}\), \(\Delta_{y}\) shifts.

  1. Each unit in the 1st layer of the regression net is connected to a 5x5 spatial neighborhood in the layer 5 maps, as well as all 256 channels. Shifting the 5x5 neighborhood around results in a map of 2x3 spatial extent, for each of the 4096 channels in the layer, and for each of the (3x3) \(\Delta_{x}\), \(\Delta_{y}\) shifts.
  2. The 2nd regression layer has 1024 units and is fully connected (i.e. the purple element only connects to the purple element in (b), across all 4096 channels).
  3. The output of the regression network is a 4-vector (specifying the edges of the bounding box) for each location in the 2x3 map, and for each of the (3x3) \(\Delta_{x}\), \(\Delta_{y}\) shifts.
  4. Assign \(B\leftarrow\cup_{s}B_{s}\)
  5. Repeat until mergin done:
  6. \((b_{1}^{*}, b_{2}^{*}) = argmin_{b_{1}\ne b_{2} \in B} match_score(b1, b2)\)
  7. \(\mbox{if } match_score(b_{1}^{*}, b_{2}^{*}) > t, \mbox{ stop.}\)
  8. \(\mbox{Otherwise, set} B\leftarrow B\setminus {b_{1}^{*}, b_{2}^{*}}\cup box_merge(b_{1}^{*}, b_{2}^{*})\)

Where matchsocre is the sum of the distance between centers of the two bounding boxes and the inersection area of the boxes, and boxmerge is the average of bounding boxes' coordinates. The final prediction is given by the merged bounding boxes with maximum class scores and it is computed by cummulatively adding the detection class outputs associated with the input windows from which each bounding box that was predicted.

Regarding the detection, it is similar to classification training but in a spatial manner. Multiple location of an image may be trained simultaneously. The main difference with the localization task, is the necessity to predict a background class when no object is present. Usually, negative examples are initially taken at random for training. Then the most offending negative errors are added to the training set in bootstrapping passes. Independent bootstrapping passes render training complicated and risk potential mismatches between the negative examples collection and training times. The size of bootstrapping passes needs to be tuned to make sure training does not overfit on a small set. To circumvent all these problems, they perform negative training on the fly, by selecting a few interesting negative examples per image such as random ones or most offending ones. This approach is more computationally expensive, but renders the procedure much simpler. And since the feature extraction is initially trained with the classification task, the detection fine-tuning is not as long anyway.

Experiments: Multi-view approach proposed by the authors was critical to obtaining good performance. Using only a single centered crop, our regressor network achieves an error rate of 40%. By combining regressor predictions from all spatial locations at two scales, they achieve a vastly better error rate of 31.5%. Adding a third and fourth scale further improves performance to 30.0% error.