Academic Staff Research Interests
This section gives a very brief summary of the research interests of Computer Science (and associated) staff. Please follow the links to staff home pages for more comprehensive information.
Lourdes Agapito
Computer Vision, 3D Reconstruction from Video, Non-Rigid Reconstruction, Structure from Motion, Optical Flow
Danny Alexander
Image processing, pattern recognition and computer vision; medical imaging and medical image processing, magnetic resonance imaging and diffusion imaging; image reconstruction, optimisation and inverse problems.
Jade Alglave
Concurrency, Semantics, Verification
Simon Arridge
Medical imaging; image processing and reconstruction, particularly medical applications and numerical methods for solving ill-posed inverse problems; scale space and shape descriptors; unsupervised pattern recognition; state space estimation methods for dynamical imaging.
Tomaso Aste
Financial networks, scaling and multifractality in financial signals, econophysics, information filtering, complex systems, data analytics, statistical modeling.
David Barber
Large-scale information processing; probabilistic inference and accurate approximate inference techniques; machine learning and information processing in both natural and artificial systems.
Nadia Berthouze
Human-Computer Interaction; affective computing; non-verbal communication; affective posture recognition; cross-cultural studies; personalized information systems; information retrieval; multimodal user interfaces.
Marta Betcke
Numerical solution of inverse problems; Tomographic image reconstruction; Compressed Sensing; Sparsity and Compression. Novel imaging technologies/applications: experimental design and reconstruction problem. Applied Harmonic Analysis.
Sue Black
Software development and software quality; social media, especially Twitter; social media and software engineering; public engagement and understanding of technology and science; women in computing and science; computer science education; Bletchley Park and computing history.
Ann Blandford
Human–Computer Interaction; interaction design; human error; resilience; sensemaking; information interaction; interactive medical devices; interactive systems in healthcare; usability of digital libraries; understanding systems design in the context of work; socio-technical systems design; methods for designing and evaluating interactive systems.
Gabriel Brostow
Computer vision, computer animation, computational photography, motion perception; data-driven animation, human computer interaction (HCI) for authoring of graphics and visual content, application of vision and pattern recognition to other domains (architecture, special effects, health, emergency response).
James Brotherston
Applications of mathematical logic to program verification and other resource problems; cyclic proof and inductive theorem proving; proof theory; model theory; computability/complexity theory; automated reasoning.
Duncan Brumby
Human-Computer Interaction: General interests are in understanding the strategies that people adopt for everyday tasks, such as when multitasking or searching for information on the web.
Kevin Bryson
Bioinformatics and systems biology: analysis and modelling of genomes, transcriptomes, biological networks and protein structure. I have a particular interest in two clinically relevant systems: streptococcus pneumoniae and polyglutamine expansion diseases such as Huntington’s Disease.
Fabio Caccioli
Systemic risk, Financial networks, Stability of risk measures, Complex systems, Statistical mechanics.
Licia Capra
Software engineering for mobile computing; middleware for mobile and distributed systems; coordination of mobile services; trust models and management.
Christopher Clack
Financial Computing and Quantitative Finance; Intelligent Systems in Finance; portfolio optimisation; stock selection; market modelling; risk; evolutionary computing; genetic algorithms and genetic programming; adaptive systems; functional programming.
David Clark
Program and model analysis; language based security; applications of information theory to program analysis and software engineering; quantified information flow (QIF); semantics based malware detection; slicing and dependence analysis; software testing.
Byron Cook
program verification, program logics, program analysis, termination proving, programming languages, theorem proving, constraint solving, biological systems
Nicolas Courtois
Applied Cryptography, crypto currency/bitcoin, cryptanalysis, cryptography engineering
Anna Cox
How humans learn to interact with computer systems (i.e. from instructions, exploration, etc); what people learn from these interactions (i.e. the content of their mental models); understanding information seeking and interactive search; human error; understanding immersion; computational modelling of HCI.
Ingemar Cox
Multimedia, digital rights management, digital watermarking, content identification, relevance feedback, e-commerce, computer vision, information retrieval.
George Danezis
Computer security, privacy enhancing technologies, anonymity systems, peer-to-peer system security, censorship circumvention, applications of machine learning to security, critical infrastructure security, security for smart cities, cryptographic infrastructures and compilers.
Emiliano De Cristafaro
Security, Privacy and Applied Cryptography.
Christophe Dessimoz
Bioinformatics, genomics, evolution, scientific computing, mathematical modelling, computational statistics.
John Dowell
User interfaces, especially collaborative learning systems; multimodal systems; information retrieval systems; decision support systems; a cognitive design perspective on the development processes and models used to create user interfaces.
Ivana Drobnjak
Mathematical and Computational Modelling, MRI, Medical Image Computing, Diffusion MRI, Microstructure Imaging, Computational Modelling.
Wolfgang Emmerich
Software engineering principles, methods, tools and notations for middleware-based distributed and mobile software architectures.
Anthony Finkelstein
Requirements engineering; software processes and workflow; document management; management of semi-structured, heterogeneous and inconsistent information; change management; software development tools and environments.
Guido Germano
Computational finance, computational methods in statistical mechanics, computer simulation of complex systems, numerical methods for stochastic processes, agent-based models, scientific computing, high-performance computing.
Nicolas Gold
Computer systems for live music performance; computational musicology and music analysis; search-based approaches to sound synthesis; other topics in digital music; digital humanities; service-oriented software; program comprehension; source-code analysis
Denise Gorse
Novel methods for global minimisation (chaperone-based techniques for finding nativelike states of heteropolymer energy functions, smoothing transformations for avoiding local minima in neural network training); bioinformatics (methods for predicting local protein structure, repeating motifs, interface regions in multi-subunit complexes); hardware-realisable stochastic neural networks (spike-based stochastic computing using the pRAM model, applications in pattern recognition and control).
Lewis Griffin
Machine vision; human vision; colour vision; machine learning; ecological optics; medical image analysis; multi-dimensional density and mode estimation; computational neuroanatomy.
Jens Groth
Cryptography, digital signatures, public-key encryption, anonymity, internet voting, zero-knowledge proofs, multi-party computation.
Stephen Hailes
Mobile systems at all levels from ad hoc routing protocols through to higher layer issues; security, especially of mobile systems but also more generally; multimedia, in particular networked animation at present.
Mark Handley
Internet architecture; congestion control for high-speed, and its multimedia applications; internet routing; IP multicast; architectural mechanisms to limit denial-of-service attacks.
Mark Harman
Search based softward engineering (SBSE), Program slicing, Program analysis, Software testing, Software measurement, Software metrics, Genetic algorithms.
Dave Hawkes
Image registration; building statistical and anatomical models from image data; image guided interventions; CT reconstruction and application areas in neurosurgery; ENT surgery; oncology and orthopaedics.
Mark Herbster
Machine learning theory (online algorithms); support vector machines; neural networks; evolutionary algorithms; machine learning applied to bioinformatics.
Robin Hirsch
Temporal and modal logics; algebraic logic; relation algebra; temporal databases; planning; complexity; model theory; game theory; genetic algorithms.
Tony Hunter
Knowledge representation and reasoning; argumentation; handling inconsistency in information; applications in decision-support and in technologies for understanding and reasoning with information in natural language.
David Jones
Protein structure prediction and analysis; simulations of protein folding; hidden Markov Models; transmembrane protein analysis; machine learning applications in bioinformatics; microarray data analysis; de novo protein design methodology and genome analysis, including the application of intelligent software agents.
Simon Julier
Nonlinear estimation algorithms for robust tracking and distributed fusion of disparate information sources; map building and localisation; mobile mixed reality systems; agile and context-aware information displays; wearable computers.
Brad Karp
Routing (particularly geographic routing) for sensor networks, other multi-hop wireless networks and the internet; internet worm defence, including automated worm signature generation; internet-based distributed systems, including those based on Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs); distributed storage for sensor networks.
Peter Kirstein
Computer networks; networked multimedia; international data network activities; document services; security; active networks; wireless networks; voice/IP, mobile networks.
Jens Krinke
Program analysis, program slicing and dependence analysis; clone detection and code provenance; automatic bug detection; taint analysis and information flow control for realistic systems; mining software repositories.
Emmanuel Letier
Requirements engineering; system behaviour modelling and analysis using goals, scenarios, and state-machines; handling non-functional requirements and supporting decision making during requirements engineering and software design.
Zhaoping Li
Computational/experimental vision in humans or biological vision, segmentation and object recognition, Sensory signal encoding and decoding, nonlinear neural dynamics, control theory and systems, signal processing, neural networks.
Nicolai Marquardt
Ubiquitous computing; human-computer interaction; digital fabrication and prototyping; novel user interfaces; gestural interaction with large interactive surfaces; proxemic interactions; sensor-based systems; tangible and physical user interfaces; information visualisation; natural user interfaces; prototyping toolkits
Paul Marshall
Interaction design, embodied interaction interaction and tangible interfaces, technologies for face-to-face collaboration, design of technologies to fit specific physical contexts, extended cognition and perception.
Sarah Meiklejohn
Cryptography; Computer security; Privacy; Zero-Knowledge Proofs; Virtual currencies; Cryptographic Compilers.
Niloy Mitra
Geometry processing; symmetry detection; shape analysis; 3D geometry acquisition both for indoor and outdoor scenes; computer graphics; analysis of 3D model collections; image understanding; interaction design; 3D modeling systems; fabrication-aware design.
Juan Navarro Perez
Separation logic, automated reasoning, software verification, and program analysis. Formal methods and applications of logic.
Peter O'Hearn
Mathematical and philosophical logic; program logic and semantics; program analysis; verification; operating systems.
Massimiliano Pontil
Machine learning theory, pattern recognition and statistics; machine learning problems arising in computational vision, natural language processing and bioinformatics.
Natasa Przulj
Molecular and clinical data integration for patient stratification, bio-marker discovery, drug re-purposing, disease re-classification; Data analytics, modeling, fusion, dynamics, applied to clinical, molecular and biological data; Algorithms for uncovering molecular mechanisms of disease from systems-level “omics” data; Molecular networks: interactome evolution, dynamics, alignment, protein function prediction; Large-scale economic data analysis, fusion and modeling the dynamics of economic systems; Computational graph theory, algorithms, models.
Sebastian Riedel
Natural Language Processing; Machine Learning; Joint/Holistic Processing; Information Extraction; Graphical Models; Scaling up Inference; Learning from Weak Supervision; Probabilistic Programming and Statistical Relational Learning; Mining Scientific Literature.
Yvonne Rogers
Human-Computer interaction, interaction design, ubiquitous computing, behavioural change, interactivity and representations, external cognition, technology-enhanced learning, novel interfaces
M. Angela Sasse
Human-centred technology design; human-centred design of novel communications and multimedia technologies (fourth generation mobile applications and services, human-centred Quality of Service (QoS), measuring perception and impact of audio and video quality, eyetracking and physiological measurements); usability and effectiveness of security systems (authentication systems, biometrics, user education and training, security in large distributed environments).
Simone Severini
Discrete Applied Mathematics, Combinatorics, Classical and Quantum Information Theory, Analysis of Data & Complex Network
John Shawe-Taylor
Machine learning theory, pattern analysis and statistics, kernel methods, support vector machines, computer vision, natural language processing, neuroscience and bioinformatics.
Alexandra Silva
Logic, semantics and design of programming languages, coalgebra, verification, program correctness, automated reasoning.
Mel Slater
Computer graphics and virtual reality: the computer graphics research is concerned mostly with real-time methods for global illumination; the virtual reality research focuses understanding and improving people’s experience in virtual reality through focus on their sense of presence. An important application area is to use virtual reality in the context of psychological therapy.
Srini Srinivasan
Haptics, robotics, virtual environments, teleoperation.
Anthony Steed
Virtual reality and 3D user interfaces; collaborative virtual environments and relationship to ubiquitous systems; real-time 3D graphics for large models; mixed-reality and augmented-reality systems.
Danail Stoyanov
Surgical Vision, Robotic Assisted Surgery, Computer Assisted Interventions, Medical Image Computing, Surgical Skills Understanding and Analysis.
Gianluca Stringhini
Computer Security, Cybercrime measurement, Web Security, Social Network Security, Malware Analysis, Botnet Mitigation, Detection of targeted attacks and Insider Threats.
Phil Treleaven
Artificial intelligence; 3D Body Scanning; financial and economic forecasting; entrepreneurship.
Jun Wang
Information retrieval and web search; collaborative filtering and recommender systems and data mining; web economy and online advertising; social 'the wisdom of crowds' approaches for content understanding, organisation, and retrieval; peer-to-peer information retrieval and filtering; multimedia content analysis, indexing and retrieval.
Tim Weyrich
Appearance acquisition and 3D reconstruction; realistic reflectance models for computer graphics; point-based graphics; interactive applications in art and cultural heritage preservation
Ifat Yasin
Auditory Scene Analysis: streaming, binding, object recognition. Monaural/binaural and spatial hearing in real and virtual environments. Computational models of the human auditory system. Audio-visual integration. Auditory nonlinear processes in normal and impaired hearing. Applications to automatic speech-recognition systems, assistive hearing technology.
Emine Yilmaz
Information retrieval; web science; web search; data mining; applications of machine learning
Shi Zhou
Internet topology, characterisation and modelling of complex telecommunications networks, network security, detection of network anomalies